All 120 Lyke Island GEN1 land plots come together to form the island.
Lyke Island GEN1 Collection:
The GEN1 collection minted on 22nd February 2022, on the Ethereum blockchain.
The collection consists of 120 unique, hand-illustrated and animated plots, which when joined together make up Lyke Island, a mysterious fictional island with some strange goings on…

Hegarty's Lighthouse

Port Authority

Pippin's Farm

Lyke Island GEN2 Plots Collection:
The GEN2 plots unveil a plethora of new locations that shed light on the whereabouts of the island's inhabitants after a mystifying incident took place.
Some of the plots were redeemed with a gamified mechanism, whereby the inhabitants from a specific group or family where brought together.
Some of the plots were airdropped to inhabitant holders through our weekly PLOTTERY' - A lottery between holders for a chance to WIN a new unrevealed land plot and have it airdropped to your wallet! These will run until the GEN2 plots collection reaches 120 items.
Some of the plot themes include: Apocalypse, Cloud City, Past.Present.Future, Space, Underground, Another Planet, Leisure, Science Facility.

Lyke Island GEN3D Plots Collection:
Get ready to embark on a new adventure to the mystical Lyke Island. The island has taken on an extra dimension that will leave you mesmerized!
We're proud to introduce the Lyke Island GEN3D collection, featuring all 120 original plots brought to life in 3D, with meticulous attention to detail.
Our visionary 3D artist, Danny Ranno, has led the Lyke Island team through a whimsical and cinematic journey, exploring every nook and cranny of the island. From its hidden caves to its towering peaks, get ready to immerse yourself in our little world like it has never been seen before!
Illustration: Mike Cannings
Animation: Ashley Best
3D modelling & animation: Danny Ranno
Animation: Ashley Best
3D modelling & animation: Danny Ranno